Mce Replacement Driver For Mac

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Hi, I'm coming to the end rotfl of my HTPC Media Portal build, ok, maybe not the end, but to a usable state, and am having serious problems getting any kind of reasonable remote control working. I'm running Vista Home Prem (32bit), and bought a MCE Remote - Model 1039/V2 (and IR Sensor) with the intention of getting Media Portal running with this and then setting up a Harmony One to emulate the MCE Remote. However, I can't get the MCE Remote to work correctly. Some of the buttons work fine in MP (and they all work in Vista MCE): At the moment, the PC power button works (sends the PC to sleep, which is right), the arrow keys, Back and OK buttons work in Media Portal, but that is about it. Hitting the Stop button when watching a DVD or some thing in My Videos in MP, causes KM Player to stop, but remain in the foreground. I know this could be fixed by remapping the Stop button on the remote to Alt-F4, but for the life of me I can't work out how to do it using the Media Portal Configuration.

I'd really like to be able to use the i (More) button on the remote as 'F3' to give more information but again, can't work out how to change this. There doesn't seem to be any documentation that I can find regarding how to use the Remote section of Medial Portal Config for MCE Remotes.

I've never played around with Universal Remotes so have no idea what 'Layers' are etc. It's driving me insane I'm spending all my spare time surfing the net trying to find answers, and have ended up horribly confused and now I'm getting grief regarding how long it's taking to get set up I've looked at the MCE Replacement Driver (which is apparently now obsolete) and MCE Replacement Plugin - installation of which seemed to offer additional options, but stopped the MCE Remote functioning at all, HIP & Girder - which I still don't understand.

Mce replacement driver for macbook pro

Given the number of people who've recently been setting up HTPCs using Media Portal, hopefully someone with a bit more knowledge can help me out or offer some advice - I just feel I'm going round in circles. Would it be better for me to cut out the MCE Remote and just get the Harmony One to emulate a different remote (would this work with the MS IR Receiver)? Click to expand.Thanks.


I'd read in various threads about others using MCE Remote with MP, and the information about MP says it's compatible (after all, there is a MCE Remote section in the Remote Config), so I figured it would be straight forward. It works ok in Vista MCE so I know the remote and sensor are ok. It's all the more frustrating knowing that even once I've got it working, that's not the end of it; I've then got to try to get the Harmony One to emulate it (but that's for another thread ).

Click to expand.It should be. I just made sure and took a machine I had not used MP on before installed RC1 plugged in the IR receiver (same model as yours) and all buttons worked except live TV which wanted to jump to VMC. (this is Vista Ultimate x64 but should be roughly the same as yours) Your MP setup looks like the attached pic?

And you have not played around with the setting in here? Just re-read your post and you are actually talking about KM player not MP?? Not using this myself so can't comment but I am guessing your issues are actually with KM Player and not MP?? It should be. I just made sure and took a machine I had not used MP on before installed RC1 plugged in the IR receiver (same model as yours) and all buttons worked except live TV which wanted to jump to VMC.

(this is Vista Ultimate x64 but should be roughly the same as yours) Your MP setup looks like the attached pic? And you have not played around with the setting in here? Just re-read your post and you are actually talking about KM player not MP?? Not using this myself so can't comment but I am guessing your issues are actually with KM Player and not MP?? Don't worry the Harmony setup is a doddle.

Just select MCE remote tell it which button the MCE remote you want to map to which button on the Harmony remote and that is it. I am having the same problems you are, and haven't managed to find any resolution yet either. My remote is a cheap Cyberlink 'MCE' remote. The only buttons that work in MP are the four arrows and enter. In KM Player I get the same (if it works at all), it just 'stops' playback and leaves a black screen with a small KM player window in the front. When I am watching something in PowerDVD, then a lot more of the remote's buttons work, and I get the same as you when using Vista MCE - most of the button's work here too.

Mce replacement driver for mac

The 5 buttons that work in MP are (pretty much) all I need, as I can navigate the menu and start a program, it is getting the remote to work in the other programs, namely KM Player, that is the issue. I have looked at using a third party aplication for this, but couldn't get it to work. There must be others out there that are easier to set up and map, but I haven't found one yet. It is a shame the USB receivers don't come with software to control them. The iMon IR receiver that I have in my case (Fusion 2 - but the receiver does not work), comes with software that is very easy to configure for players like KM player (in fact it comes with a configuration file for KM Player!!), so I am trying to get a new IR receiver from Antec as mine is (i believe) dead If I have any luck controlling my USB IR Receiver, then I will post here.

I also have a thread in which I have had a few suggestions from others, but nothing has worked for me. Hi Elrao, In my 'research' to try to find what I was doing wrong with my MCE Remote, I found quite a few other people having problems using their Antec Fusion V2 IR in MP. I'm sure you've probably found it, but thread might help. Thanks to JamesonUK's suggestions, I'm making some progress I changed MP to use the Internal Player, and now the MCE Remote is working much better Working Keys (ones in italics weren't working before): Arrows, OK, Info/More, Back, Chapter Skip, Rwd/FFwd, Stop But, losing KM Player has now brought up some unwanted side-effects regarding playing back some avi's which I think it down to codecs! I'm doing some more tinkering and will hopefully get things working smoothly using the internal player. Click to expand.I don't think it is just MP I found the IR in the Antec just rubbish at anything. If you have an MCE keyboard you really see how bad it is when you can not type one word without a wrong key coming up (probably to do with how MCE sends alternates between two signals for the same button to prevent one request being processed twice).

Mce Replacement Driver For Macbook

I found with a combination of the Antec drivers (which now include an option to disable the IR), XP-Pro and a genuine MCE remote IR that all works great. Every single key works straight away (including the live TV, My Pics, DVD menu etc on the keyboard). Just bypassed the IR in the Antec case alltogether.

Mce Replacement Driver For Mac

Interesting that you are both having issues which I guess must be Vista related. As I said when I tried with Vista it just worked? Have you tried killing some of the Media Center processes which hang around in Vista to see if that makes any difference? As regards buttons, which still aren't working (bar Live TV which I know launches Media Center).

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